Its Lavender Time!
Our lavender is starting to bloom! The hot dry weather we’re having is great for lavender! The variety in the photo is Folgate – a lovely dark blue English lavender that is blooming right now. We’re harvesting this variety this week so we’ll have bundles available in the shop. Melissa is another English lavender variety that is starting to bloom this week; Melissa is a pale pink lavender that is great to use for cooking.
If you have signed up for our Paint & Sip Wine Glass painting class this week, you will receive a bundle of Melissa or Folgate with your class.
U-Pick for our long stemmed French lavenders is still a week or two away – but its getting closer!
Upcoming July Classes

- Paint & Sip –$40 – Wine Glass Painting July 4th @1:00pm; Class includes all materials, instructions plus lavender sangria, desserts and a bundle of lavender.
- Victorian Lavender Wand – $15 – July 11th @ 5:00pm. Pick your lavender then weave it into a long lasting lavender sachet.
- Lavender Wreath – $30 Sunday July 12th@ 4:00pm. Learn about lavender & make your own wreath while sampling our lavender beverages & desserts
Email, message or call if you have any questions. Class size is limited, sign up to reserve your spot.
August classes will be listed in a couple weeks, plans include a Cooking With Lavender Class and another Paint & Sip, this one will be painting a Clay Pot. Also we have plans for a class to make a set of cement hands to use as garden art in your garden. More details will be available soon.