For those of us in northwest Pennsylvania (actually the whole great lakes/east coast area) with the record breaking rainfall and cool temps in May, summer was very late getting started this year. Its hard to believe that we’re halfway through summer already, it just started to get hot a couple weeks ago. But here we are, the middle of July, and we’re finally enjoying the hot sunny weather that lavender loves. Our new replacement plants have been in the ground for around 6 weeks now and are growing by leaps and bounds. The older damaged plants that survived are continuing to rebound and get more new growth. In June, we planted a hedge of phenomenal lavender in front of barn stones; they look tiny in this photo when they were newly planted but they are already growing and this variety will get pretty big – I can’t wait to see the solid row of purple next summer when they bloom! I feel like like mother nature is finally giving us a well deserved break.

The hydrangeas and lilies are spectacular this year; or maybe they’re always this beautiful and I just appreciate it more this year after the cold spring we had? My husband is happy – we’re finally getting haying weather so he’s busy cutting and baling hay while the sun shines.

I hope you can get outside and enjoy the sunshine and the show mother nature is giving us right now. if you get a chance, come visit our new farm shop at 741 Georgetown Road, Sandy Lake, PA. We’re open most weekends through the summer from noon-5 on Saturday and Sunday. We just added a couple new lavender products. Rainbow lotion bars are a set of 6 different colored heart shaped bars made with 6 different scents (all with lavender of course) of solid hand lotion. We also have foaming purple dish soap with purple scrubbies that are just adorable. Our selection of antiques and collectibles is always changing, if you need a gift for someone special or a one-of-a kind decor item, come see what we have. If you don’t see it, just ask me; I’d happy to watch out for something in particular for you.
Our sweet dog Marley would love to have company. He loves people and more often than not he’s with me at the farm shop. So get outside and smell the roses (and the lavender!) and come visit the lavender farm! Hope to see you soon!